The annual Christmas Day class at Bend and Bloom : December 25th, 12 – 1:30pm
Joy is a state sought by everyone, and Abundance is thought of as “having” enough things, opportunities, connections, and love. So often both are sought externally, rather than internally realized as already part of the landscape of your being. A conscious practice of recognizing Joy as your baseline can awaken gratitude that overflows, and extends an awareness of one’s fullness.
Abundance and innate Joy are symbolized as the Goddess Lakshmi. Mythically, she is the goddess of prosperity and good fortune, like a good luck charm. To invoke Lakshmi is to foster a connection to fullness and completeness that already stream through you, as you. The wise seeker, it is taught, not only asks for the external manifestations of abundance and things that bring us joy, but for the conscious union with the essence of true wealth and happiness at its source. Lakshmi comes to life in the giving and receiving the gift of your attention, your love, your warmth, your spirit, and the gifts you offer at holidays.
Our practice this day will include chanting, asana, meditation, and contemplative offerings. Open to all levels.
December 25th : 12 – 1:30pm at Bend and Bloom Yoga | 708 Sackett Street, Park Slope Brooklyn