Arrived today at Estes Park for the 2nd Grand Gathering, and let me tell you, my heart’s already been mushed open. You see, I’m certified. As a love muffin. I do all I can to feel love, inspire love, and promote love in myself and in others. Since love is simply the thread that holds us all together and withstands all trials of life, it doesn’t expire. It doesn’t get old, really. It may change direction, but it never looses power. It has longevity in life, and so long as we practice creating it and living it, it has no expiration date. “Love is stronger than Fear”, offered Des.
Tonight, as John Friend gave the keynote speech welcoming students and teachers to this 3 day gathering of like minds, he immediately did what is called Kuladipa – he lit the lamp of the kula with simply his words. He spoke in future tense, not just present tense, and offered his vision of the gathering as a way of saying “may it be so”, and his ability to do this is one of his many gifts. He always does that, and it’s unique among the great teachers out there today. He’s a visionary.
My heart melted into the great fabric of our global collective as each of the 12 or so presenters/teachers spoke to the question, What has shifted for you in the last 2 years (since the first GG in 2008), in your life and practice? Such stunning and beautiful and candid responses from my peers, teachers, and friends on stage. Their answers were examples of why we all study and practice Anusara yoga – on every level, it’s a practice of enhancing the quality of your life. Isn’t that what your yoga should do?
It of course led me to contemplate my own transitions of the last 2 years. Some of the biggest shifts have come more recently, as an increase in my capacity to listen. I owe much of it to my meditation practice, and the outstanding and deeply penetrating words of my teacher Paul. More than anything, my practice has proved itself to be an anchor for me in hard times when I’m most challenged to take a close look at myself and improve how I impact the landscape of the world. My practice continues to do what it originally set out to do, so long as I practice it. It can’t have an expiration date that way!
More tomorrow.
Thank you for bringing those of us who could not attend back to Estes, back to kula!!!