Christmas Day
Practicing Joy and Invoking Abundance: Christmas Day
Bend And Bloom YogaThe annual Christmas Day class at Bend and Bloom : December 25th, 12 - 1:30pm Joy is a state sought by everyone, and Abundance is thought of as "having" enough things, opportunities, connections, and love. So often both are sought externally, rather than internally realized as already part of the landscape of your being. A…
Practicing Joy: Embodying Lakshmi. Christmas Day at Bend and Bloom Yoga
Bend And Bloom YogaA special class on Christmas Day with Julie to recognize the abundance of life for the year! Joy is a state sought by everyone, sometimes believed to occur when we have enough things, opportunities, "green lights", attention, and even love. So often, joy is sought in this way externally, rather than internally realized as already…